Roshi’s offering to on-line sitting group
Poet David Whyte suggests that one aspect of our current epidemic of LONELINESS is that we are riveted on human to human contact being the main alleviation of loneliness. “If you are not in contact with another human being, you are often lonely.” Whereas in most all prior cultures, there has been a multiplicity of qualities that bring us into direct Belonging. Like the Blue in the sky, the Red in the sunset, sound of leaves scurrying, feel of the wind on our face, or the touch of the hot tea cup in our hands, etc. Zen practice invites us into the primacy of FELT-SENSE, without commentary. Once our zazen practice is steeped in the NOW experience of embodied presence, we are truly the Realization of BELONGING to the entire World. (Roshi Sanchi Reta Lawler)