About Boulder Morningstar Zen Center

The Boulder Morningstar Zen Center offers contemplative zen practice and experiential programming to promote compassionate, creative and innovative expressions to our community and world.

Roshi Sanchi Reta Lawler: Boulder Morningstar Zen Center

Roshi Sanchi Shudo Reta Lawler is the Founder and Director of the Boulder Morningstar Zen Center. Fully ordained as a Rinzai Zen Buddhist nun by Eido Shimano Roshi (founder and former abbot of Dai Bosatsu Monastery), Sanchi has led contemplative retreats and Zen sesshin around the country for over 35 years. Also, her professional teachings and offerings have been in Creative Arts, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, and Shamanic practice (particularly in Celtic and Peruvian indigenous orientations). Her trademark trainings are Coming Full Circle: The Art of Death and Dying and Winds of Change: The Art of Engaged Living. Sanchi Reta particularly enjoys hosting retreats around the world where the earth energies invite natural entry into contemplative practice. As well, she is a life-learner of Gardening: particularly working with the joy of flowers, medicinal herbs, and love of trees.


The Board: Boulder Morningstar Zen Center

The Morningstar Zen Center is supported by an active Board, guiding our physical presence in our Community, and serving as consultants to the growth, support and development of the Center. The Advisory Board stands as Friends to the Center, offering support and creative possibilities for our outreach to the community. As we attend to the FOUNDATION of our Center, we anticipate creative offerings of outreach to our community that hold the dynamic of our Presence and expression of our Practice.

Contact Boulder Morningstar Zen Center

Send inquiries to: 

Email: info@bouldermorningstarzencenter.com

Boulder Morningstar Zen Center
PO BOX 294
Boulder, CO. 80306

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